
The Big Picture- The Way You Write

Oak Bridge 265

As I am gearing up (three days and counting) for NaNoWriMo I have realized that I have no set structure to my writing. I don’t sit in one spot like my desk or at my laptop desk to write. I don’t write at a certain time or for a given amount of time. It seems that I have forsaken all of the training that I received while working towards my MFA. In light of my late success during NaNoWriMo last year, I’ve decided that I have to re-think my newest writing routine (or lack thereof).

I have been reading many Writer Unboxed, Writer’s Digest and Poets & Writers articles in preparation for next month along with Rachel Aaron’s “2k to 10k: Writing Better, Writing Faster and Writing More of What You Love” which is so amazing and informative. I was reminded of the importance of structure not just in writing but also in your writing routine. I plan to carve out time in my teaching schedule and my everyday life to be more committed to writing. I have my daily reminders on my dry erase board and I plan for this November to be more successful than last year’s. Regardless of vacation, grading or anything else I will be committed to exceeding my minimum daily count and hopefully crafting a great story. I’ve already started plotting! Plotting is something that I normally don’t do; at least not all the way through the story but I feel that it might help with this story.

If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo then I wish you Happy Writing!